The Bead and Button Show may seem a long way off, but it rolls around quicker than I want to think about. Because of that the B&B Show is always at the back of my mind by either creating classes or getting ready to teach those classes. As soon as an instructor finishes up teaching at the show for the year, they are creating their classes for the following year. I may submit two or three of my classes from the previous year, but for the most part I create all new classes. Each instructor submits a finished jewelry piece of what will be taught, a title for the class, a photo of that piece for the catalog, a description for the class that will go in the catalog, and the instructions for the class. The deadline for all of this is the first week of August. I submitted six new classes and three repeats. The month of July was a focused scurry.
The reward comes when you get that all anticipated e-mail from Kristin Jastroch, telling you if you will be teaching and if so what you will be teaching. I'm thrilled to tell you that I will be teaching three workshops and five all day class at the 2012 Bead and Button Show. I am so looking forward to the show that runs June 1 to 10, 2012. Here is a run down of what I will be teaching for those of you that are planning a trip to Milwaukee for the show.
Rivet The Etch Workshop |
Rivet The Etch Workshop - Sunday, June 3, 2012 – 9:00am-5:30pm
This is a popular workshop, that I taught last year. You will learn to etch metal using Ferric Chloride, saw metal with a gentle, no-pressure approach and rivet with a wonderful new tool that makes riveting a breeze. First you will etch three different metals with designs and textures. Next you will cut and finish that metal into the elements for the bracelet. After the elements a ready you will bring all the parts together and assemble by making rivet connections. We will assemble the bracelet with jump rings and add a little color with beads at each junction. There are a lot of metalsmithing skills and tools incorporated into this day of jewelry making.
Articulated Bracelet Workshop |
Articulated Bracelet Workshop – Monday, June 4 - 9:00am-5:30pm This is a new class to the show and has been a long time coming for me. I've had this idea for about three years and wanted the class to be the best for you and it finally is. So I'm excited to be teaching etching, sawing, finishing, and the technique used to rivet the elements together will have your bracelet moving freely, with the end result of articulation. All techniques will be demonstrated and discussed as we work.
Embellished Plum Blossom Workshop |
Embellished Plum Blossom Necklace Workshop – Tuesday, June 5 - 9:00am-5:30pm
This will be the first time to teach this at Bead and Button, but I've been teaching this or a couple of years in St. Louis. You will learn the basic Plum Blossom beaded beads and now you will learn to embellish that surface! Just think of all of the color possibilities this will give you, by being able to add another layer of beads. Besides learning to embellish, you will learn two variations by using different bead types and tricks for stringing that will give perfect balance when worn. There weren’t enough beads, now we can add more.
Getting Attached to Metal Etching |
Getting Attached To Metal Etching – Wednesday, June 6 - 8:00am-3:00pm
This class is all about making a coordinated pendant and hook closure. In one day you will learn all of the ins and outs of metal etching with Ferric Chloride and making those etched images work in your design. Once the metal designs are etched you will learn the use of two fabulous metalsmithing tools that you will create a pendant and hook closure with. This will be a great introduction for any beadier wanting to expand their jewelry making skills.
Etching for Design |
Etching For Design – Thursday, June 7 - 8:30am-3:30pm
The etched image can be what leads the design instead of supporting jewelry elements or being an after thought. Make etching the leader for your designs to create texture and visual cues. Learn to etch metal with Ferric Chloride, saw metal using a relaxed method that will have you gliding through metal, then pierce and connect that metal to complete the design inspiration. Beyond etching, this class is filled with basic metalsmithing skills you will take home to apply to future jewelry projects.
Flower Petal Necklace |
Flower Petal Necklace – Friday, June 8 - 8:30am-4:00pm
Flowers, flowers, flowers, what could be better or make you happier? Can’t you just see yourself in this necklace? You will learn two variations of the plum blossom beaded bead and how to string the beads when they are finished so that they hang just right around the neck. Don’t think of this as only a summer necklace. By changing the colors it can be worn any time of year.
Morphing Plum Blossom Bracelet |
Morphing Plum Blossom Bracelet – Saturday, June 9 - 9:00am-5:00pm
Learn a different way to make Plum Blossom beaded beads. This method will open up possibilities that you could have never dreamed of that are endlessly creativity and enjoyable. Maybe you have made beaded beads before. Maybe you have made Plum Blossom beads before, but have you embellished and changed every bead and bead combination? In this class you will be making some changes to the Plum Blossom beaded bead. Fun Stuff!
Riveting Rivets for a Pending Pendant |
Riveting Rivets For A Pending Pendant – Sunday, June 10 – 9:00am-noon
This is a great class for the beadweaver or bead stringer that would like to acquire some metalsmithing skills. You will be able to select from various textured metals and create a pendant and hook closure using those metals. The skills you will be able to try out are; sawing, filing, use of a disc cutter, and use of a rivet tool. When all of the parts are assembled we will patina the pendant and closure. You will be so proud of yourself when you tell you friends that you made your pendant, after adding your personal touch with a beaded rope or strung beads.